Be Uplifted Inc. is supported by wonderfully good hearted and energetic volunteers. All of our volunteers bring to our charity, experience, skills and ideas. We want to introduce you to Nadine.
Length of time at Be Uplifted? About 12 months I think.
How I found out about Be Uplifted? In 2019 I had recently retired and began a new hobby, handmade cards. I loved creating the cards, but had limited people to give them to, so I was looking for a way to make cards for others. Selling them at craft shows did not appeal to me. My sister, who lives in Rockhampton (I live in NSW in Morisset, about 45 mins from Newcastle) read a story in the paper about Wendy and in that story, mention was made about the “we care” packages containing a pack of handmade cards. My sister suggested I ring and see if Be Uplifted would be interested in me making some cards for the “we care” packages.
Lucky for me, Wendy welcomed my offer and I have been making two packs, containing five cards each pack, since then on a monthly basis.
What do I love about Be Uplifted and what I get from volunteering? I feel grateful for the work and role played by Be Uplifted in supporting the individual through their cancer treatment. I think sometimes that we can forget about the person and focus primarily on the illness, ie research and treatments. I think Be Uplifted is a breath of fresh air in this regard.
As to what I get out of volunteering, I love the idea of people receiving a “we care” package and I imagine as they look through the package coming upon something beautiful and useful. I gain a sense of contributing to someone else’s journey in life. It is just a small part of their journey but sometimes it is the small things that really lift our spirits.
In a previous life, I worked as ….I worked for the NSW Government for 31 years. I worked mainly in the Government’s tourism department and for the majority of that time I was responsible for responding to letters addressed to the Minister for Tourism, preparing briefing and meeting notes and acting as a liaison between the Ministerial office and the department for administrative support type activities.
What is my favourite thing to do when I am not making cards for Be Uplifted? Creating cards is my favourite pastime at present. My other interests include digital photography, reading and music. I am also interested in meditation and spiritual growth and am active within my spiritual community of Shanti Mission.
If I had $5 left in my wallet, what would I spend it on? Tricky question, I expect I would go for an ice-cream.
Tea or Coffee? I drink both, coffee probably wins out more often though.
Favourite mantra? Commit to the process, not the outcome.