A BIG thank you to Pullenvale Progress Association’s donation of $2522.80 from their fundraising efforts for Be Uplifted Inc. How blessed are we!
Examples of how we are being uplifting to Brisbane people on a breast cancer journey are we provide access to services and programs, pay bills and provide goods or assistance to alleviate financial difficulty or disadvantage.
Be Uplifted Inc will arrange for example a wheelchair for a terminally ill breast cancer patient, purchase a family a new washing machine, provide a patient who has lost their casual employment with groceries or assist with schooling costs for a single young mum who simply has too many bills to pay because of her breast cancer treatment.
Our focus is on local Brisbane people on their breast cancer journey and providing immediate practical and financial support to these individuals and their families.
All donations go directly to support local Brisbane people on a breast cancer journey.
Be Uplifted Inc is a registered charity that provides practical support and financial assistance for real life costs encountered by breast cancer patients and survivors in our local Brisbane community.
Be Uplifting. Become a Volunteer with Be Uplifted Inc.
Our breast cancer charity is always on the lookout for special people in community who want to share their time, skills and experience to help us make a difference in the lives of Brisbane people on a breast cancer journey.
If you are interested in becoming a Be Uplifted Inc Volunteer, tap here.