Our talented Be Uplifted Inc craft volunteers have been busy making handmade greeting cards. With everyone staying at home, it allows our craft volunteers to get creative and make more wonderful items to sell and fundraise for Be Uplifted Inc.
Always available for sale in our Zillmere charity Op Shop. Greeting cards for any special occasion. With Mother’s Day not far away, choose a bespoke card especially for Mum.
Watch this space as handmade greeting cards will soon be for sale online as gift packs. All online and in charity store purchases assist Be Uplifted Inc fundraising.
We love and are thankful for every donation received at Be Uplifted Inc Op Shops. Unfortunately, not all clothing donations are saleable and make it to our Op Shop sale racks. This is where our talented sewing, quilting and craft volunteer teams step up.
We use donated fabric remnants and clothes – mainly denim jeans that we can’t re-sell, and re – purpose these items into handmade children’s clothing, “teen jean” cushions, baby bibs, lady’s fabric hand bags, quilts and stylish re-usable carry bags. We are thrifty, and no donation is wasted at Be Uplifted Inc Op Shops.
Be Uplifted Inc also run how to make beautiful greeting card workshops from time to time. Keep an eye on our events webpage for future dates!