Updating your will?
Have you considered giving to a local Brisbane charity like Be Uplifted Inc?
A will is a legal document that clearly expresses your intentions for the distribution of your personal property and assets after your death. By making a will, you are making it simple for your executor, the person you appoint to carry out your wishes, to allocate your assets as you wish.
If you don’t have a will, or are thinking about updating your will, consider making a gift to your favourite charity like Be Uplifted Inc as a beneficiary.
Many Australians leave a financial legacy to non-profit organisations in their will. This act of philanthropy guarantees the long-term survival of many non-profits organisations.
There are many ways you can leave a legacy (the traditional name given to making a monetary gift in a will) to a registered non-profit organisation like Be Uplifted Inc.
Some simple tips for creating your will:
- To ensure the correct charity is a beneficiary under your will, talk to your lawyer and include the precise name and details, for example include the ABN and all details like the registered office so your charitable gift is received.
- Remember to always keep your original will in a safe place, for example with your legal adviser, and keep a copy in a place you know it will be found.
This week is Include a Charity Week. Visit the Include A Charity Website for more information.
Be Uplifted Inc benefits in a major way from legacy giving.
We recently launched our beautiful Mary Llewelyn Bear in honour of the wonderful legacy we received from Ms Llewelyn. Her charitable gift will not be forgotten, and is sure to help many patients along their breast cancer journey.
Because of Ms Llewelyn’s philanthropy, a real difference will be made to the lives of women living with breast cancer.
Her legacy will live on in the form of our Mary Llewelyn Bear, and her generosity will help Be Uplifted Inc ensure we can continue to provide our much needed services.
However you choose to make a bequest to an Australian charity, your generosity will leave a lasting legacy. Plus if you choose to give to a small local charity like Be Uplifted Inc you can be certain that your gift will be making real change other people’s lives.
No matter the size of your donation to Be Uplifted Inc, your gift is guaranteed to make an important difference in the lives of seriously ill local breast cancer patients, providing relief from costly medical and household expenses.