Most of us have that “notebook”. The notebook that holds all the passwords and login details to our numerous accounts that makes our lives possible in the digital world.
It might hold important dates, a never ending list of Netflix movies we must watch and maybe names of cool APPS friends suggested would be good for us to download.
Some of us are super organised and keep a running list of say insurance policy details for our home and contents and our car. Some of us record information about the utility company’s we are currently with and what deal we have secured with them.
We all have our “go – to list” of contacts for our GP, Dentist, favourite florist and Hairdresser to name a few.
These lists come in handy when we are moving house or have a change of email address for example, and we need to contact these important people and organisations that make our life “work”.
Make sure you add to this list to update your personal details with BreastScreen Queensland. That way they know where to send your appointment reminders and you don’t forget to have regular breast checks. Make sure breast checks are on your annual “to – do list”.